Product Questions

Yes. After passing the course, you will receive a certificate. You should print and save your certificate for your records. You may log back in to reprint your certificate for a period of three years from the date of course completion.

Please note – Hazmat employers are also responsible to retain a record of training for each hazmat employee and must make the record available upon request. This certificate meets the training record requirements outlined in 49 CFR § 172.704(d).
After passing the final exam with an 80% or above, the certificate will generate and be stored within your training account.
Your course access will expire 365 days after date of purchase. Your certificate will remain stored in your account for a period of three years from the date of completion.
No. You will not need to pay again to retake the course. You will have access to the course for 365 days after purchase, so you can retry as many times as you would like within the 365-day time-frame.
Yes, you can still access your training records and yes, you can purchase additional hazmat training if needed. Please contact us to remove you from your previous employers account and to update your login email address.
You can purchase course codes in bulk to distribute to other users, please see the FAQ for “Can I purchase courses for other users?” for more information. Discounts are available for bulk course purchases over 10, if you would like to talk to someone about purchasing multiple training courses in large quantities, contact our Sales Team.
Yes. In order to purchase courses for other users, please use the course code products under the “Purchasing for Others? Buy Codes!” heading within the course catalog. Once the order is complete, you will be able to distribute the course codes to each user for use on the respective course.
Yes, you must complete CHEMTREC’s Hazmat General, Safety and Security Awareness course or an equivalent course prior to taking the following courses: 49 CFR, Ground Transportation for Carriers, and IATA Dangerous Goods Training for Operations Personnel.
The publications are shipped via FedEx and take approximately 7-10 business days
The webinar can be accessed by logging into your account and clicking on the VIEW MY TRAINING tab. From there, select the webinar you would like to attend and then click on the link to launch the Microsoft Teams meeting. Please note, the link will be disabled until the date of the webinar.
We use Microsoft Teams for all webinars. Click here for information on attending a live event.
After passing the final exam with an 80% or above, the certificate will generate and be stored within your training account.
CHEMTREC Crisis Academy toolkits and templates are developed in Microsoft products (Word, Excel, or PowerPoint). Accompanying videos are hosted online.
Yes. Please complete the Crisis Management 101: Principles and Solutions course before advancing to other Crisis Solutions eLearning courses.



Technical Questions

Download our Training User Guide for step-by-step instructions on accessing and launching your courses within the Learning Academy Portal.

Once your training is ready to view, it can be accessed for 365 days by logging into your account and clicking on the “VIEW MY TRAINING” tab.

Download our Training User Guide for step-by-step instructions on accessing and launching your courses within the Learning Academy Portal.

Here are some quick tips to get you started:


  • Our online training programs are fully supported by Microsoft Edge (preferred), Chrome, and Firefox. Due to the interactive nature of our courses, it is recommended that you access them on a personal laptop or computer. Mobile device compatibility is under development but is not recommended to take our courses.
  • We do not recommend using any versions of IE - including IE 11 - to take our online training courses as those browsers no longer support the latest web standards.

Other Information:

  • Ensure your sound is turned on and the volume is up, as these courses include audio content.
  • You can log in and out of the training program at any time, including during final exams.
  • Listen to the instructions in the introduction to the program to learn how to navigate through the module.
Some courses require you to select the correct answers to knowledge checks before continuing. Check to make sure that you have selected the correct answer or answers (in the case of a question that allows you to select more than one option). If the problem persists, email training@chemtrec.com for assistance. A screenshot will help us resolve the issue more quickly.
If you need technical assistance that is not covered in this FAQ, click the Help ? icon on the bottom right-hand side of the VIEW MY TRAINING page. If you are still unable to resolve your issue, please email training@chemtrec.com for further assistance. A screenshot will help us resolve the issue more quickly.