Virtual Psychology of Command Course <br> 3-part workshop, Sessions on August 7th, 14th, and 21st from 12 - 2 PM EST

Virtual Psychology of Command Course
3-part workshop, Sessions on August 7th, 14th, and 21st from 12 - 2 PM EST


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Course Overview: 

Crisis, incident, and emergency management requires personnel to make high stakes decisions under time pressure and often with little information; they are potentially some of the most challenging and stressful situations that your personnel will ever face.   

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to respond and carry out their roles and responsibilities with effortless ease, while others, extremely intelligent and capable individuals, seem to struggle?  

CHEMTREC’s Crisis Solutions team is delighted to invite you to participate in this virtual workshop where together, we will explore the psychology behind incident command. The session will introduce and explore the non-technical skills which are a key part of our decision-making process: situational awareness, decision making, leadership, teamwork, and the ability to cope with mental fatigue. We will go on to explore the barriers which inhibit our ability to utilize these skills sets during incidents, and solutions to overcome these barriers.  

This workshop will be split into three two-hour sessions. This workshop will provide a solid foundation and understanding of the psychology of critical decision-making during a crisis and why crisis and emergency management plans, training, and exercising is only the start of your journey towards organizational resilience. In this session we will focus on the human element of crisis management. We can have the best policies, plans and procedures in place, but it is our people that bring these elements to life. This interactive and engaging session will provide value, guidance, and support for all attendees regardless of their crisis management experience or level of maturity in this space. 

Price: $250.00